2024-06-19     |   发布于:PHOMIHOLDING


From June 19 to 21, PHOMIHOLDING will showcase its latest research results, including its eBIPV and eDisplay at the Smarter E Europe.It is the largest platform in Europe for the smart energy industry, which focuses extensively on the world of smart energy to drive the global transition from traditional to smart energy. 

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在此次能源展中,福美控股以“我们出售’心中的光’”为主题。可预想,其自主研发的eBIPV和e显示,将为打造人类未来居所的探索作出积极贡献。eBIPV可定制化多材质表面,破解了传统光伏板单调的视觉外观及局限于屋顶或玻璃幕墙的痛点,其未来应用场景必将进一步多样化,例如说汽车、移动设备等领域。 e显示则把光电技术和建筑材料融为一体,通电时能在石墙、木墙甚至砖墙上成像,带给观众更多视觉震撼。

The theme of PHOMIHOLDING is "We realize 'the light in your dream'". It is anticipated that PHOMI's self-developed eBIPV (econiclay building-integrated photovoltaics) and eDisplay (econiclay Display) technologies will make significant contributions towards creating i-Home, the Future Habitat for Humanity. The eBIPV technology allows for customizable multi-material coverings which break away from monotonous visual appearance of traditional photovoltaic panels limited only to roofs or glass curtain walls. Its future applications will diversify further into areas such as automobiles and mobile devices among others. In the other arena, the eDisplay integrates photoelectric technology with building materials, allowing for embedded images and motion pictures on various surfaces like stone walls, wood walls and brick walls when energized, thus offering more visually stunning displays for audience experience.

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* For more, please visit https://www.phomi.com/ or https://www.instagram.com/phomi_holding/ .

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